Tuesday, June 19, 2012

War of 1812

Also today I wanted to share a link to a news article that I thought was interesting after yesterday's post over the War of 1812. It's from BBC News and it answers the question "Why is the War of 1812 still important?" Enjoy!



Today I want to talk a little about Juneteenth. I admit I haven't done much research on the Civil War. There are plenty of other researchers who are far more passionate about this war than I am but Juneteenth is an important day, at least in Texan history.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The War of 1812

200 years ago today, President James Madison officially signed a declaration of war against Britain. This war would become known as the War of 1812 even though it lasted two years. This isn't one of the World's greatest known wars and most in America only remember the name but it was an important war of the time. Following the American Revolutionary war, France had its own revolution that ended the monarchy and allowed for the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.  Britain entered the French Revolution in an attempt to stop and eliminate the Revolution.  Both sides then tried to restrict trade to the other from the new United States of America who was struggling to be seen as their own country instead of former colonies. Britain went a step further and began to forcibly remove American seamen and forced them to serve in the British Navy.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Germans enter Paris

On this day in history in 1940, Adolf Hitler and his German soldiers entered Paris beginning an occupation that would last four long years. Millions of Parisians had already fled but those that remained were subjected to arrests and interrogations. Also on this day, President Franklin Roosevelt froze the Assets of Axis powers, Germany and Italy.


photo courtesy of the United States National Archives

About me

Ok, to get started, I wanted to give you a little more info about myself. My name is Jill. I'm 27 years old and from Texas. I have a double degree in History and English from the University of Houston. I'm currently applying to graduate school to get my Masters so I can work in the Public History field (museums and such). I have absolutely no desire to be a teacher!

I love all kinds of history, though my passions are the Tudor dynasty and the American Revolution. I'm a pretty avid reader and collect pretty much any book I can get on both eras. I (apparently unlike many bloggers/historians) enjoy the television and movie adaptions as well as historical fiction, mostly because I'll watch it and want to learn what really happened. People tend to forget it's a dramatic interpretation and not an outright documentary and they get mad over the slightest wrong detail. I can write a long post on that later, so I'll stop talking about it for now.

I personally believe that if you sweep or ignore the bad parts of history than you are only dooming us to make the same mistakes again. As a result, I'll try to touch on the nastier sides of history and be as unbiased as I can. Instead of hiding history, I'm putting it forefront. That includes massacres, discrimination, prejudice and inhumane horrors and EVERY country has committed something along those lines in some way or another.

Anyway, that's all about me for now. Oh, except I've also started two other blogs because I really couldn't decide what I wanted to blog about. ;) Please feel free to check them out as well.

One is a Tudor blog, discussing anything and everything Tudor related from the entire time they were in power. It's called My Lords and Ladies:


The other is an American Revolution blog, looking unbiased into each side and the charismatic people from both sides. It's called The Revolutionary Experience:



Hi everybody. Welcome to my third brand new blog. This blog is going to cover any and all history that fascinates me and may include posts on any trips I may take in the future. I'm going to make posts on people and events and generally try keep it as unbiased as I can. I believe that history is more than mass events (wars, plagues). I think what makes history interesting is the personal stories and details of historical figures. I'll try to post often but I know it won't be everyday.

So enjoy the blog and please feel free to drop me an email if you have any suggestions or comments.