Monday, July 22, 2013

It's A BOY!!!!

Congratulations to Prince William and Duchess Catherine on their birth of a SON!!! He was born about 4:30 pm at 8 lbs 6 oz. The name will be announced at a later date.

New Royal Baby!

Prince William, wife Catherine, and Prince Harry

So in case you haven’t heard, today we await the birth of Prince William’s and Duchess Catherine’s first child. It is a historic day and a historic birth. Since Prince William is heir to the throne behind his father, this child will be the third in line to the British throne. Here’s where it will be historic. This child will be queen or king in her/his own right regardless of gender. That means even if the royal baby is a girl, she will be queen. Earlier this year, Parliament finally passed a law that allows girls to inherit. So why should we care about  another privileged baby being born? Well, let's turn to history.